Monday, April 19, 2010

Runaway Bluetooth

In an effort to plan ahead for our California Adventure X2 for 2010, I wanted to make sure I had a Bluetooth that was comfortable...and had great sound and was easy to use. I researched and got one that fit very nicely in my ear, and even looked cute!

Last night, we were nearly finished packing, Isaiah was in bed and I as putting the finishing touches on the sandwiches I had prepared for our journey. I decided to reorganize my purse, so I went to the table to pick up the items that were in my old purse (including my new Bluetooth) to transfer them to the new purse. Mysteriously though, my Bluetooth seemed to have disappeared into thin air...or a little boys toy box...who knows. I reminded myself to ask Isaiah about it in the morning.

This morning I asked Isaiah to help me find it. He said he remembered seeing it on the table and that a voice inside his head was telling him that I should look in his room. "Where?" I there are about a million places a sleek little device could hide. "Everywhere." was his response. Ugh. So I looked in all the most obvious spots, the laundry room, bathroom, my bedroom. Nothing. My roommate is certain it will show am I, but it will most likely show up after the trip. Oh well, we will do this with or without a Bluetooth. I won't let the Bluetooth running away effect the kind of trip we will be having.

Truth is, we are both excited. Not only do we get to see if this whole "acting" thing is something Isaiah is into, but we get a chance to see family members and friends that we do not get to see enough. I am really happy about this. :-)

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Getting Ready...

We are getting close I can feel it! On my face!!

Seriously though, the bags are nearing completion of being packed. I need to make sandwiches and in about 24 hours we will be on the road, headed towards Los Angeles.

On our journey we will make stops in Portland, San Fransisco, Fresno, San Diego and maybe more depending on how the wind blows. This is our chance to see how Isaiah likes the idea of being a movie star...and see if this is something that we want to invest more of our time and energy in.

Isaiah was signed to Amsel Eisendstadt and Frazier Youth Talent in January...and the process from then till now has been filled with many questions, tears, more questions, and needless to say TONS of paperwork.

Let the journey begin. Wish us luck, and safe travels....Are we there yet?